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PitDoc Press announces latest Kickstarter launch in Boston emergency doctor’s
apocalyptic comic book series
By the Time I Get to Dallas: Books 1+2
BOSTON, MA – PitDoc Press is proud to announce the Kickstarter launch of By the Time I Get to Dallas 1+2: an ER doc’s apocalypse comic continues running 5.15.20 through 6.14.20. Written by a Boston emergency physician and produced by a seasoned art team in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, By the Time I Get to Dallas is a graphic novel about a young man struggling to become a doctor in the midst of an apocalyptic public health crisis. Despite the challenges posed by the real life pandemic, the team looks forward to giving readers the distraction of a thrilling, fictional apocalypse story.
The pandemic of Dallas is quite different from coronavirus: When 80% of the human race mysteriously begin migrating to a single point on the globe, failing medical student Rudy Deckart sets out from Boston across the disintegrating US to rescue his girlfriend, become a doctor, confront a murderous militia using the migration to start a new world order, and find a cure for the migration impulse that will save, or maybe destroy, humanity. It is a medical coming-of-age story wrapped in an epic, apocalyptic adventure that is dark, funny, thrilling and unlike anything seen in comics before.
Fictional pandemics are more fun than real ones
Written by Mount Auburn Hospital emergency physician Colin Devonshire, Dallas comes from a point of view unique in comics. He began the project in 2013 during a work sabbatical, eventually teaming up with an international cast of artists to make the comic series a reality. Devonshire has been producing Book 2 and planning the Kickstarter campaign while coping with the emotional and physical challenges of being a community emergency doctor during the COVID-19 crisis in a city hit hard by the virus. “Through it all, it’s been a great relief to have this book as a creative outlet. I can’t wait to share this story at a time when we could all use a little diversion with a fictional apocalypse.” The first two chapters of the story feature Boston landmarks from the Charles Zakim Bridge to the Boston Common and Museum of Science; some of them fare better than others.

By the Time I Get to Dallas is a 200 page story divided into five books and is drawn by a top notch art team led by Spanish penciler Juanfrancisco Moyano (IDW, Dynamite, Arcana) and his brother, colorist Jacinto Moyano. Dallas weaves themes from medicine, neuroscience, philosophy, politics and religion (not to mention martial arts and hot air ballooning) while staying fast paced with plenty of humor and a light touch. Dallas is written for thinking readers ages 20-90 with an eye for intelligent, character-driven adventure grounded in the real (end-of-the) world.

Book 1 crowdfunding success
PitDoc Press launched By the Time I Get to Dallas: Book 1 on Kickstarter in June, 2019 and funded in just seven hours, ultimately tripling its goals for funds and backers. Book 1 printed and shipped ahead of schedule in November 2019. Now the same creative team is back to launch Book 2. While Diamond distribution is frozen thanks to COVID and the supply of comics from the mainstream publishers has dried up, indie comic creators continue to push forward getting their work out to readers through the power of crowdfunding.

The Kickstarter launches on May 15, 2020 at 5 pm ET. You can follow the campaign here:
You can download Book 1 and a Book 2 preview for free here:
Book 1 print edition on sale here:
For interview requests and full review copies, please email:
Comic series: By the Time I Get to Dallas
Creator/writer: Colin Devonshire, MD
Contributing editor: Matt Idelson (DC, Marvel, Dynamite)
Pencils: Juanfrancisco Moyano (IDW, Arcana, Dynamite)
Inks: Dario Fas Marin (IDW)
Colors: Jacinto Moyano (Arcana)
Letters: Jaymes Reed (Image, Scout)
Kickstarter campaign date: 5.15.20-6.14.20
Publishing Date: 1.1.21 (book 2), 12.1.19 (book 1)