I already regret this
I am sitting in the yard, it is a perfect day, I have been writing comics script for 4 hours, I’m feeling accomplished and confident. It’s warm, I’ve had a beer, I’m feeling a little buzzed. My kids are away, my wife is away, I’m off work for another 24 hours, no music gigs for 2 months, I’ve fed the frog and bought cat litter and we’ve paid tuition and I changed the oil in the car. I totally didn’t do that last part but I paid someone to do it. I don’t even have to worry about street cleaning parking cause my family took both cars for the weekend. I avoided the Presidential Debate and I choose to believe it never happened. Add it all up and at this moment I may have as few responsibilities as I’ve had since before medical school, 26 years ago.
So I’m about to make a mistake.
Uh oh…
You can already guess.
Can I?
Let’s just get it out there.
Please stop.
I’m starting a new relationship.
With you, gentle reader.
Lap top off, now!
I’m making you my accountability partner.
Yeah, you know what I’m saying.
Such a bad idea.
See I really want to get my comic book stories, By the Time I Get to Dallas and The Trait Project, done. And I want to keep my readers involved as I do it so they don’t forget what the hell this whole thing is about. So maybe by sharing with you on a real time basis what I’m doing and how it is going, it will push and inspire me to work harder and faster.
I’m about to make a mistake.
Seriously, don’t do it.
How would we consummate this partnership? There’s only one way, and it’s hard core.
Please don’t say—
An accountability chart.
I’m leaving.
Nothing fancy, mind you, but maybe just a simple spreadsheet showing my writing punch list. Definitely not a pie chart, we’re not there yet. I mistyped that last sentence and it came out “pain chart”.
Yes, it could be a pain chart.
You are a moron.
I changed my mind, I’m not doing this. I’m scared. I don’t like adventures.
But if I did do this, it could be something like this. I guess.
And by publishing from Google Sheets as a webpage it should update in realtime so when you’re bored you can check in and see how hard I’ve been working.
You are such a loser.
I mean, that is pretty slick.
Okay, the realtime updating is kind of cool. Almost like it makes you WANT to make progress…
Ah, see, it’s working already.
See you soon, partner.