Come here, 2020, I’m going to crush you Colin Devonshire Blog January 21, 2020 0Onwards and upwards Ezra may have gotten an action figure or two from Santa… In December I started an end-of-the-year...
To make a comic book, make a comic book Colin Devonshire Blog November 9, 2018 0This one is about the nitty gritty of making comics. By the Time I Get to Dallas is largely written,...
Writing down a dream leads to a lot more work Colin Devonshire Blog September 16, 2018 0March 3, 2011 I woke up from a dream at 4 am. In the dream a guy who is sort...
Using midlife crisis for good! Colin Devonshire Blog July 22, 2018 1THANK YOU! First off let me thank you for signing on to hear updates from me about my graphic novel, By...