2019: Goals, panels and Banana Man! Colin Devonshire Blog January 4, 2019 0Happy New Year! I personally feel like boiled crap after a stressful couple weeks around the holidays, with too much...
To make a comic book, make a comic book Colin Devonshire Blog November 9, 2018 0This one is about the nitty gritty of making comics. By the Time I Get to Dallas is largely written,...
The continuing story of a quack who’s gone to the dogs…* Colin Devonshire Blog October 29, 2018 0…or the cats, actually. I’ll explain. When we last left our midlife crisis-ing hero (me) it was 2013 and I was preparing...
Rock is wasted on the young Colin Devonshire Blog October 14, 2018 0I’m digressing from comic books in favor of an equally frivolous mode of middle aged creativity: making noise. I’m late with the blog because...
Writing down a dream leads to a lot more work Colin Devonshire Blog September 16, 2018 0March 3, 2011 I woke up from a dream at 4 am. In the dream a guy who is sort...
Dream Projectors: Nelson Kim on balancing life, art and fake cocaine Colin Devonshire Blog August 31, 2018 1In my first blog I asked about your dream projects, creative ideas big and small you might be nurturing in...
Sabbatical, Ulysses, and the struggle for self actualization Colin Devonshire Blog August 17, 2018 0Sabbatical. A mystical search for enlightenment. Donning a pith helmet, roughing it on the African savannah, logging your observations on...
Summer camp, death, and my first comic book Colin Devonshire Blog August 2, 2018 0Not what I planned to write about this week! Last weekend I picked up my son Ezra up from sleepaway...