Sizzle Sizzle Colin Devonshire Blog June 14, 2019 0It’s Getting Hot in Here Kickstarter: Launch Date 6.24.19 Last time I emailed about the magic of crowdfunding, Kickstarter in...
The Anthrax guitarist killed my comics career and cost me a year of my life! Colin Devonshire Blog April 10, 2019 0Fistful of Comics The Anthrax guitarist killed my comics career and cost me a year of my life! It was...
2019: Goals, panels and Banana Man! Colin Devonshire Blog January 4, 2019 0Happy New Year! I personally feel like boiled crap after a stressful couple weeks around the holidays, with too much...
The continuing story of a quack who’s gone to the dogs…* Colin Devonshire Blog October 29, 2018 0…or the cats, actually. I’ll explain. When we last left our midlife crisis-ing hero (me) it was 2013 and I was preparing...
Rock is wasted on the young Colin Devonshire Blog October 14, 2018 0I’m digressing from comic books in favor of an equally frivolous mode of middle aged creativity: making noise. I’m late with the blog because...
Writing down a dream leads to a lot more work Colin Devonshire Blog September 16, 2018 0March 3, 2011 I woke up from a dream at 4 am. In the dream a guy who is sort...
Dream Projectors: Nelson Kim on balancing life, art and fake cocaine Colin Devonshire Blog August 31, 2018 1In my first blog I asked about your dream projects, creative ideas big and small you might be nurturing in...
Using midlife crisis for good! Colin Devonshire Blog July 22, 2018 1THANK YOU! First off let me thank you for signing on to hear updates from me about my graphic novel, By...