SNEAK ATTACK! Special edition comic launching 1/20-2/4/21 on Kickstarter! Colin Devonshire Blog January 19, 2021 0SPECIAL EDITION – LIMITED TIME Allow me to be succinct for once. Here’s what’s up: By the Time I Get to...
By the Time I Get to Dallas on sale now at seven New England Comics stores! Colin Devonshire Blog December 6, 2020 0We’re officially on sale at all seven New England Comics shops! I found it in Brookline, I’ve heard from someone...
No sleep ’til Kickstarter! What is Kickstarter, exactly…? Colin Devonshire Blog May 9, 2020 0Kickstarting and screaming into the world Friday, 5.15.20 5 pm ET through 6.14.20! Making a thing a thing What is...
For the nerds: an aside on viral list building for comic creators Colin Devonshire Blog February 14, 2020 0I am the (email) Warrior This is a niche post for my creator colleagues who are always working to build...
Come here, 2020, I’m going to crush you Colin Devonshire Blog January 21, 2020 0Onwards and upwards Ezra may have gotten an action figure or two from Santa… In December I started an end-of-the-year...
Sizzle Sizzle Colin Devonshire Blog June 14, 2019 0It’s Getting Hot in Here Kickstarter: Launch Date 6.24.19 Last time I emailed about the magic of crowdfunding, Kickstarter in...
Kickstarting and screaming into the world Colin Devonshire Blog April 26, 2019 0Where Weird Stuff Gets Made Kickstarting and Screaming into the World What are these things and what do they have...
The Anthrax guitarist killed my comics career and cost me a year of my life! Colin Devonshire Blog April 10, 2019 0Fistful of Comics The Anthrax guitarist killed my comics career and cost me a year of my life! It was...
Our story begins… Colin Devonshire Blog February 25, 2019 0By the Time I Get to Dallas: Book One PREVIEW Remember when you first signed up for this email list...
2019: Goals, panels and Banana Man! Colin Devonshire Blog January 4, 2019 0Happy New Year! I personally feel like boiled crap after a stressful couple weeks around the holidays, with too much...